The Adult Toy: European Pleasure or Chinese Torture?

Posted by Olivier Belgo on

While European industry is rethinking its production model and understanding the need to relocate strategic areas, every entrepreneur must also ask themselves this question; Isn't it time to be more flexible, more responsive and more agile to offer the adult plastic toy consumer an even more professional service?

A toy is not just a toy!

This is obviously a joke to underline the fact that toys are not just another consumer product: since they are intended for a form of superfluity, they must be produced seriously, without taking risks, in compliance with environmental and safety standards.

There are different standards of conformity in Europe, equivalent to the AFNOR EN 14372 standard. These rules define a certain number of requirements, both mechanical, chemical and toxic.
A quality plastic can thus be used without risk, whether it is for food grade plastic or plastic toys. Touching and handling (internally and externally) are therefore safe for children and adults alike.

Every plastic object manufactured in Europe is subject to extensive quality controls, which are all the more frequent as the proximity to the Control Bodies makes them easier.

As manufacturers of adult plastic toys, we guarantee all our customers strict adherence to these standards for quality products. Although Chinese discount toys are in principle subject to the same regulations, distance means that a large part of the controls are delegated locally, hence the risk of complacency or rigorous intervention.

Each sextoy distributor and each trader is therefore assigned a double responsibility, moral and penal. This is even more true in an era where the slightest tweet can create a bad-buzz, and rot an e-reputation in just a few hours. No professional can nowadays take the risk of quality, hence the interest in refocusing on local, quality production, scrupulously respecting standards in their entirety. 

Every distributor and salesperson must grasp the latest news, think about new ideas and above all, be responsive to current events!
But being agile, flexible and alert during the creation phase remains useless if the production chain behind it does not follow.

However, today, three elements require us to be quick:

  • to be ready as quickly as possible, for a reduced time-to-market and therefore increased profitability
  • do not have your idea or concept stolen from you
  • adapt immediately in case of problems 

The only solution is to find a reliable and close contact person who is open to your requests. This is why we have digitised our entire creation process, with models created in 3 dimensions.
They are visualised in virtual reality and then printed in 3D: reflection and brainstorming are carried out with the customer, based on concrete elements.
This allows us to have an innovative product that is as close as possible to the customer's wishes and therefore to the market, with an optimised product market fit.

By reducing stocks, this "local just-in-time" enables costs to be greatly reduced: by including robotisation and local subsidies, the Made in Europe article thus becomes competitive again. 

In recent years, Asian producers were not very concerned about the current distribution cycle, with sometimes direct sales in shops: they did not hesitate to become our competitors, with similar products.

The Covid-19 health crisis has shown the need to adapt and find new answers. Rethinking production means first of all taking part in a sustainable development approach, guaranteeing the immediate safety of all, and in the long term, that of the planet.

This is why Belgotoys has decided to sell some of its products in a different way: instead of buying a finished product in quantity from China, we offer our customers the option of financing only the packaging (approximately € 0.30 if the product costs 3€). We immediately see the advantage from a financial point of view, where Asian distributors often ask for a cash pre-payment, forcing them to make large accounting investments.

This direct factory/end customer model reduces stock, fixed assets, sales and distribution costs for toys.
The idea is not to lose productivity, while gaining flexibility and agility. Flexibility and versatility, two words that should probably appeal to users of plastic toys for adults.
After all, Belgotoys guarantees you quality reports... at least on a professional and commercial level!

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